Post slider

Posts sliders can be inserted into your page to guide readers to other content as well. Simply specify a fitting title, the amount of posts and an optional category to get it started.


Placed into columns

You can use columns to make the post slider any size you want. Here are two examples using an 8 and 4 column width.


Post Slider [postslider]

Enables you to show a slideshow of posts anywhere


  • margin

    Enables you to add margins to the element
    Default: normal

    Possible Values

    • small
      Add a margin of 22px below the line
    • normal
      Add a margin of 44px below the line
    • large
      Add a margin of 66px below the line
    • css value
      If you would like to add a margin to the element use the following notation: 11px 20px 8px 9px. The element will have a 11px top margin, a 20px right margin, an 8px bottom margin and a 9px left margin.
  • height

    Specify the height (thickness) of the line
    Default: 400px

    Possible Values

    • css value
      The value of this property can be any valid CSS value. We recommend using pixels (eg: 2px ), but you may also use any other css specification.
  • style

    Add custom styles to this element

    Possible Values

    • css rules
      Add any css rules as if you were adding them inline. To add a border and a margin for example you could write: "margin-bottom:10px; border:1px solid white"
  • layout

    The layout you would like to use to display the items
    Default: default

    Possible Values

    • default
  • post_type

    The post type you would like to list
    Default: post

    Possible Values

    • post
      The post type of all your regular posts
    • page
      The post type of your WordPress pages
    • [custom]
      You may also list posts from any other custom post type, just add the name here.
  • post_status

    The status of the posts you want to display
    Default: publish

    Possible Values

    • publish
      Published posts
    • draft
      Draft posts
    • future
      Scheduled posts
    • any
      Retrieves all posts types which aren't excluded from searches by default
  • author

    Get posts from specific authors

    Possible Values

    • [ID]
      The ID of the author you want to retrieve posts from
    • [ID,ID,ID]
      A comma separated list of author IDs you want to retrieve posts from
  • cat

    Get posts from specific categories

    Possible Values

    • [ID]
      The ID of the category you want to retrieve posts from
    • [-ID]
      If you prefix a category ID with a dash you will exclude that category
    • [ID,ID,ID]
      A comma separated list of category IDs you want to retrieve posts from.
    • [-ID,-ID,-ID]
      A comma separated list of category IDs you want to exclude from the query. Be sure to add a dash before each ID.
  • tag

    Get posts from specific tags

    Possible Values

    • [name]
      The name of the tag you want to retrieve posts from
    • [name,name,name]
      Retrieve posts belonging to any of the tags listed
    • [name]
      Retrieve posts belonging to all of the listed tags
  • posts_per_page

    The number of posts you would like to show
    Default: 10

    Possible Values

    • [positive whole numbers]
      Any positive whole number can be used to retrieve a specific amount of posts
    • -1
      If you specify -1, all posts will be pulled from the database
  • offset

    add an offset to the retrieved posts

    Possible Values

    • [positive whole numbers]
      This offset will be applied to the final results. Ie: If you want to pull your ten latest posts with an offset of 1 the first post will not be shown, the 10 posts following it will be listed.
  • order

    The direction of ordering for the results
    Default: DESC

    Possible Values

    • DESC
      Order the results in a descending fashion
    • ASC
      Order the results in a ascending fashion
  • orderby

    Select the criteria to order the results by
    Default: date

    Possible Values

    • date
      Order the posts by date
    • title
      Order the posts by their titles
    • modified
      Order the posts by their last modified date
    • rand
      Apply a random order to the posts
  • query_vars

    This option is for advanced users/developers only. Since our parameters map directly to a WP_Query object you can use any parameter found in the WP_Query documentation.

    Possible Values

    • serialized array
      A serialized array created from the arguments you want to pass to the WP_Query object.
  • animation

    Change the type of animation used in this element
    Default: slide

    Possible Values

    • fade
      Items fade into each other
    • slide
      Items use a slide transition
  • direction

    Change the direction of the animation used in this element (only applicable for slide animations)
    Default: horizontal

    Possible Values

    • horizontal
      Items will slide to the side
    • vertical
      Items will scroll vertically
  • slideshow_speed

    The amount of time each item is shown for
    Default: 7000

    Possible Values

    • miliseconds
      The amount of time you'd like each item to be shown, in miliseconds
  • animation_speed

    The amount of time it takes for the animation to complete
    Default: 600

    Possible Values

    • miliseconds
      The amount of time you'd like the animations to take, in miliseconds
  • pause_on_hover

    Define weather you want the slideshow to pause when the user hovers over them
    Default: yes

    Possible Values

    • yes
      The slideshow will stop while users are hovered over it
    • no
      The slideshow will not stop while users are hovered over it
  • smooth_height

    If set to yes, the slider will animate vertically to the height of the image. We recommend NOT turning this on and using uniformly sized images instead. If the slider animates up and down, the content moves below it as well, making reading the content very hard.
    Default: no

    Possible Values

    • yes
      The slideshow will change its height to the height of the current image
    • no
      The slideshow's height will remain static
  • controls

    Change weather the controls are shown or not
    Default: yes

    Possible Values

    • yes
      Navigation controls will be shown for this slider
    • no
      Navigation will be hidden for this slider
  • show_title

    Show the image title in the slider (make sure to fill out the title field when uploading images)
    Default: no

    Possible Values

    • yes
      The title will be shown in the slider
    • no
      The title will not be shown in the slider
  • only_thumbnailed

    Only show posts if they have a featured image
    Default: yes

    Possible Values

    • yes
      Only show posts with featured images
    • no
      Show all posts
  • show_description

    Show the image description in the slider (make sure to fill out the description field when uploading images)
    Default: no

    Possible Values

    • yes
      The description will be shown in the slider
    • no
      The description will not be shown in the slider